A Comprehensive Guide- The Most Common Cause Of Shoulder Pain

As many of you embrace the journey back to your fitness routines with refreshed enthusiasm, I’ve noticed a common thread tying some of you down – shoulder pain.

It’s a pesky companion you didn’t sign up for, right? Well, I’m here to offer you understanding and most importantly, solutions.

Understanding Our Shoulders Muscles

 This joint offers a range of movement that’s unparalleled in our body, allowing us to reach, stretch, and pull in ways that are integral to our daily lives and our gym routines.

But with great mobility comes great responsibility – or, in this case, vulnerability.

The shoulder’s unique structure, a ball and socket joint with a shallow socket, relies on the rotator cuff – a group of four muscles that are the unsung heroes of shoulder stability and movement.

However, these muscles and their tendons are prone to wear and tear, leading to conditions like tendinitis or tendinosis.

It’s a common tale, yet each person’s experience with shoulder pain is as unique as their fingerprint.

The Common Cause of Shoulder Pain

Poor Workout Posture

A prevalent but often overlooked problem, poor workout posture can lead to significant shoulder and neck pain.

This issue extends beyond the gym, affecting activities such as prolonged sitting or gardening.

Addressing this requires more than the simple admonition to “sit up straight”; it demands a comprehensive approach to retrain and strengthen the body for better alignment and movement.

Physical therapy can provide life-changing assistance, offering hands-on treatment and exercises designed to correct long-standing postural issues.


Often described as being “pinched,” impingement occurs when the rotator cuff tendons are caught between the bones of the shoulder joint.

This condition, primarily caused by repetitive impingement or faulty movements, can lead to inflammation and significant pain.

Weakness in the rotator cuff muscles exacerbates this vulnerability, emphasizing the need for these muscles to remain robust to support the shoulder’s intricate structure.

Physical therapy emerges as the premier choice for managing the discomfort caused by impingement and tendinitis.

The recovery process typically involves a mix of strengthening exercises, stretching, and direct, hands-on treatment aimed at restoring joint motion and alleviating muscle restrictions.

Rotator Cuff Tear

Tears in the rotator cuff, often a consequence of repetitive impingement or direct trauma, can severely restrict arm movement.

While some tears may heal independently with proper support, significant tears impacting function might require surgical intervention.

However, physical therapy plays a critical role in both scenarios, offering exercises and manual therapy to correct dysfunctional movements and strengthen the shoulder without surgery.

Non-surgical treatments, including ultrasound, heat, ice, and anti-inflammatory medications, can effectively manage pain and inflammation.

Neck Problems

The intricate relationship between the neck and shoulder means that issues in one can lead to pain in the other.

Tight, painful neck muscles can hinder proper shoulder blade movement, placing additional strain on the shoulder joint.

Conversely, shoulder issues can cause neck pain due to shared nerve pathways and muscle connections.

Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)

This condition, marked by a stiff and painful shoulder joint, progresses through phases from painful freezing to eventual thawing, which can take up to two years.

The exact cause of capsulitis isn’t always clear, though it may be linked to hormonal imbalances or underlying health conditions.

Treatment begins with a comprehensive health check to rule out underlying conditions.

Physical therapy is instrumental during the thawing phase, utilizing exercises to increase motion gently and hands-on techniques to stretch the tight capsule and muscles.

Next Step: Taking Action 

Shoulder pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence. At Physical Therapy Specialties, we’re dedicated to providing you with a path to relief and recovery.

Our free shoulder pain assessment offers a direct line to understanding your pain and the best steps forward.

Whether through targeted physical therapy or lifestyle adjustments, we’re here to ensure your journey back to health is supported, effective, and lasting.

Reach out today at (925) 417-8005 or visit our website to book your assessment.

Together, we can unlock your full potential for a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Even More Expert Information



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3 Proven Exercises For Shoulder Pain This Summer

Are you currently suffering from shoulder pain and have you been told to just rest when you were looking forward to playing golf or pickleball this summer?

It can be incredibly demoralizing to be told to just rest up if you live an active lifestyle and were looking forward to participating in sports with your friends and family.

If you’re often proactive and always looking for a solution, being told to simply rest can be more frustrating than the shoulder pain itself.

If this is you, there are easy yet effective exercises for shoulder pain that you can introduce into your daily life today, instead of just waiting for the pain to magically disappear.

This blog includes 3 of the most proven exercises for shoulder pain that almost anyone can do, from a fitness fanatic to your average Joe.

“Shoulder Pain Is Taking Over My Life”

Our team at Physical Therapy Specialities hears this on an almost daily basis.

“I could manage to begin with, but now my shoulder pain is so bad, I can’t play golf with my friends” 

The likelihood is if you take part in sports such as golf or pickleball, for example, every time you swing your club or racket you’re putting added strain on your shoulders. This is gradually increasing the pain felt between or on one side of your shoulder blades.

This all means that your favorite activities will become more and more difficult every time you play, meaning that simply resting will only help you in the short term. As soon as you return to the court or field, your shoulder pain will also return!

Unless you incorporate new exercises for shoulder pain specifically, you will be destined to suffer from shoulder pain.

1st Exercise – Wall Angels

Wall Angels is an effective exercise for reducing built-up tension between your neck and shoulders, lowering your stress levels.

Stand with your back against a wall and feet slightly wider than hip-width apart.

Keeping your arms straight, raise them up the wall until they reach shoulder height, then slowly lower them back down.

Do 10 reps.

2nd Exercise – Shoulder Shrugs

Shoulder Shrugs target all three muscles of the shoulder, making it an excellent choice for overall shoulder strength.

Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart and arms relaxed by your sides.

Slowly lift both shoulders up towards the ceiling as far as you can, pause for a few seconds at the top before slowly lowering back down again.

Do 10 reps.

3rd Exercise – Resistance Band Shoulder Flexion

This exercise targets the deltoids, regular practice can help build muscle strength, providing better support to your shoulder joint.

Stand holding one end of a resistance band with your arm extended out in front of you at shoulder height.

Bend your elbow up as if you were hugging someone, keeping your upper arm close to your body and squeezing your shoulder blades together as you do so.

Do 10 reps and then switch arms.

Still Experiencing Pain?

Have you already tried these exercises with little to no improvement?

Or your shoulder is in so much pain, you’re struggling to perform daily tasks, never mind exercises?

If this is the case for you, it is extremely important that you contact a professional immediately!

If left unaddressed your shoulder pain will most likely become more severe and lead to a reliance on painkillers or injections to manage your pain.

The fastest way to get started on relieving your shoulder pain and a life without costly pain management techniques, is with our Free Pain and Performance Assessment.

This assessment will give you the opportunity to discuss your experiences living with shoulder pain and give our expert team the background of your pain, allowing them to identify the root cause of your problem.

By establishing the root cause, our expert physical therapists can start treating the origin of your shoulder pain, rather than the symptoms. Giving you a chance to be hid of your pain for good, avoiding future flare ups.

Living with shoulder pain can have a massive effect on your life. Stopping you from enjoying the things you love most, whether that be sunny afternoons with the family or a competitive game of pickleball with friends. Our team will listen to your story and offer emotional support by providing well needed reassurance that your pain isn’t just in your head.

Click HERE To Arrange Your Free Pain and Performance Assessment

Unsure About Travelling Into Clinic?

As well as our Free Pain and Performance Assessment, you can also reach us from home.

You can still receive quality professional advice from our team without leaving your home,

Simply call us on (925) 417-8005 or fill in our simple web form.

You will be able to speak to a member of our team and set yourself up on the fastest possible option for a happy and healthy recovery!

Don’t let this just be another summer you put up with your shoulder pain, let this be the summer you beat your shoulder pain for good!

More Free Tips That Can Help Elevate Your Pain

Check Out Our Website – Home Exercises For Reducing Your Pain

Check Out Our Website – Kinesio Taping

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