The Most Common Mistakes That Lead To Ankle Pain When Walking

Ankle Pain When Walking

Are you currently struggling to go about your daily activities without experiencing ankle pain?

Living in California has its perks, from the beaches to the sunshine, but not being able to walk correctly can make your day to day extremely difficult.

Not only are you missing out on the physical activity but everything that comes with it, including socializing with friends and family. In the clinic, we have discovered this is the number 1 thing patients miss when suffering from ankle pain. Playing sports with friends or going for a walk with family.

Resting may seem like the best option, but it isn’t a long-term solution for ankle pain. You will find your ankle pain returns no matter how long you rest and is often worse than your previous flare-up. It also drives a deeper wedge between you and socializing, isolating you further in an already difficult period in your life.

It’s time to start looking for a long-term solution.

In this blog post, you will discover the most common mistakes that lead to ankle pain when walking so that you can start taking the necessary steps to alleviate your pain and live your life to the fullest.

Mistake 1 – Wearing The Wrong Shoes

The shoes you wear play a significant role in the health of your ankles.

Wearing shoes that do not provide sufficient support, or shoes that are too tight or loose, can put unnecessary stress on your ankle joints, leading to pain.

Make sure your shoes fit well and provide the support you need.

Mistake 2 – Overuse Of High Heels

High heels look great, but they can cause serious damage to your ankles.

When walking in high heels, your feet are at an unnatural angle and put excess pressure on your ankles, leading to pain and discomfort.

Mistake 3 – Over-Exercising

Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body, but over-exercising or doing too much too quickly can put excessive stress on your ankles.

When starting a new exercise routine, ease into it gradually and properly stretch before and after every workout.

Mistake 4 – Weak Ankles

Weak ankles are more prone to injuries, leading to ankle pain when walking.

Incorporating ankle circles, ankle rotations, and heel raises into your daily routine can help strengthen your ankle muscles, reducing the likelihood of pain.

Mistake 5 – Poor Posture

Walking with poor posture puts excessive pressure on our ankles leading to pain.

Make sure to stand tall, engage your core, and keep your shoulders relaxed while walking.

Mistake 6 – Ignoring Pain

One of the biggest mistakes people make is ignoring ankle pain, thinking that it will go away with time.

Ignoring pain is never a good idea, as it can lead to more severe injuries.

If you’re experiencing ankle pain when walking, seek advice from a physical therapist who can diagnose the root cause of your pain and provide appropriate treatment options.

Don’t Let Ankle Pain Slow You Down!

Recognize any of the common mistakes we’ve discussed in this blog post?

Maybe you’ve already made some changes but are still seeking a more permanent solution to reduce your ankle pain while walking.

Physical Therapy Specialties is here to help!

We believe in treating not just the symptoms, but identifying and addressing the root cause of your pain. Our team of highly skilled physical therapists is dedicated to providing you with the most effective treatment strategies that are tailored to your unique needs.

To help you on your journey toward a pain-free life, we’re offering a Free Foot Pain Assessment. This assessment is not only your first step toward recovery, but it is also the fastest and most effective way to treat your foot and ankle pain. By speaking to an expert, you’ll receive a custom treatment plan designed specifically for you.

Don’t let ankle pain hold you back any longer, stop missing out due to a problem that can be fixed. Click the button below to schedule your Free Foot Pain Assessment and take the first step towards a pain-free life!

Schedule My Free Foot Pain Assessment Now

Is It Too Painful For You To Travel?

If you’re in too much pain to visit us or would prefer to stay at home, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!

Our team can provide professional advice right from the comfort of your home, ensuring that you receive the care you need no matter where you are.

If you have questions about physical therapy or just looking to learn more about our team feel free to contact us at (925) 417-8005 or fill in our simple web form.

Additional Free Tips That Can Help Elevate Your Ankle Pain

Check Out Our Website – Home Exercises For Reducing Your Pain

Check Out Our Website – Our Running & Walking Analysis

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